Cultural Report
Culture describes the shared characteristics of entire group. Our culture reflects the way of life, code of conduct, unity in diversity, yoga, ayurveda, vasudaiva kutumbakam, atithi devo bhava, spiritual path, care for environment are the core values that can guide humanity on the path of peace and prosperity. India is a country of culture and tradition. It is very popular for dance, music, religions, languages, family relationships.
Our college is the reflection of our culture. Our students are very much adhering to our culture like respecting elders, being truthful, honest & helpful to others in need. Our college also has tradition to celebrate our cultural festivals & religious activities. This cultural environment in the college will boost up the students to expose their talent and skills which is the pride of our college. We will conduct various cultural competitions for the same.
Our students are very much enthusiastic for participating various inter collegiate completions at national and international level and have won various prizes.
Unity in diversity is India’s strength. There is simplicity in every Indian. There is unity in every corner of India. This is our strength. Cultural day “SOWRABHA” has been celebrated on August 13th 2022 which is the reflection of different culture of our country. Each class celebrated different festivals of India like Maha Shivartri, Sankranthi, Ramanavami, Deepavali, Kannada Rajyothsava, Varamahalaksmi, Ganesha chaturthi, yugadi, onam. It was really very colorfull, joyfull, enthusiasm and happiness. Mr. Rudramurthy N M, President VSESS and committee members, Prinicpal Jnana Jyothi Degree College, were the chief guest for the event. All studetns celebrated very happily with the co-ordination of the class teachers. Overall the program was very much successful.

Contact Details:
- Name of the Principal : Prof. Rangashamaiah K R
- Co-ordinators : Prof. Asha B L,
Prof. Simantini Kulkarni